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 Detailed Description
Labradorite named after a region in Canada where it was found. With its amazing iridescence caused by light bouncing off the inclusions is not only beautiful, the reflection acts as a shield for your Aura. Labradorite helps bring inspiration, boost intuition, stabilizes the aura and enhances the energy flow between the chakras & aura. Great for the eyes, digestion, also aids in anxiety and stress. 

Labradorite Stone

PrecioDesde 3,00$
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  • Additional Information

    Labradorite is also a stone of magic that can awaken your magical, mystical, or psychic abilities. It will clear your aura and seal it to prevent the good energy from leaking. The labradorite stones' vibrations can also give you protection against negativity. Enhances strength of will and feelings of inner worth.

    Linked with the third eye chakra, the energy field that ignites spiritual expansion and higher levels of the mind and spirit. Meditate with Labradorite and connect to higher realms of consciousness and parallel worlds.

    Works with the third eye and crown chakras to raise your consciousness and bring transformation into your life – unlocking gifts, opening up psychic abilities, intuition and raising your vibration.

  • Size

    Each crystal varies in size between 1 to 4 inches

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